Home of Amazing Student-Athletes
344 Maple Ave. W #102 Vienna, Virginia 22180

Wrapup: All State Basketball Tournament Scores Posted

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Welcome to VISAA!

VISAA  Mission  Statement:

The  Virginia  Independent  Schools  Athletic  Association  will  provide  accredited  member schools  with  the  resources  and  competitive  environment  in  support  of  education-based athletic  programs  that  establish  a  foundation  for  excellence  founded  on  integrity, sportsmanship,  and  leadership.

VISAA  Vision  Statement:

The  Virginia  Independent  Schools  Athletic  Association  will  develop athletic  programs  that are nationally  recognized  and  provide  student-athletes  with quality  opportunities  for participation,  competition,  achievement,  and  the  development  of  character.

VISAA Championship Event Admission Policy:

All spectators over the age of six will be charged admission. Players, coaches, cheerleaders, school administrators and families of coaches involved in the contest will be admitted free but other school personnel, etc. will not be allowed in on passes. All other school personnel, faculty, students etc. and spectators must pay admission.

The admission fees will be:

$5.00 Admission to first round and quarterfinal events

$10.00 Admission for spectators seven and above to semi final and final events

$20.00 Family Rate for first round and quarterfinal events (2 adults plus children)

$30.00 Family Rate for semi-final and final events (2 adults plus children)

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