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Southland Dairy Farmers Partners with the VISAA

VISAA Executive Director Dick Kemper sent the following letter to VISAA member school athletic directors on August 3 to announce the Association's new partnership with Southland Dairy Farmers.

Dear VISAA members,

I am happy to announce Southland Dairy Farmers as an official partner of VISAA.

Southland Dairy Farmers is committed to providing consumer education in nutrition, promoting dairy product use, and providing dairy product  information. Teaching kids about the dairy industry is one of their priorities and we are appreciative of their support of the VISAA mission and our student athletes.

The partnership includes a Dairy Education campaign that will be dedicated to promoting the health benefits of dairy. Throughout the year, facts and information will be shared with students and families through various VISAA communication platforms. Southland Dairy Farmers will have a presence at
several championship events throughout the year.

“Southland Dairy Farmers is an organization supported by Virginia dairy farmers to provide dairy promotion and education to the public. We are pleased to partner with the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association and their resources and venues to provide our dairy message to their member schools,” says Jim Hill, Southland Dairy Farmers CEO. “We see the pride and enthusiasm in their member schools, parents, and students and we share this excitement to tap into this audience with our
message of dairy products as important elements in a healthy and nutritious diet for young and old alike. Like our slogan says, ‘Milk. A Part of Everything That’s Good!’”

The Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association will provide  accredited member schools with the resources and competitive  environment in support of education-based athletic programs that establish
a foundation for excellence founded on integrity, sportsmanship, and  leadership. The Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association will develop athletic programs that are nationally recognized and provide student-athletes with quality opportunities for participation, competition, achievement, and the development of character.

About Southland Dairy
Southland Dairy Farmers develop and direct effective promotion, education, and research programs in order to increase sales of and demand for all dairy products, educate the public of the nutritional value of dairy products, and advance the image of dairy producers. Dairy farmers direct and fund all activities in that effort.